Cruise Ships, Air Travel, Public Transportation & commercial shipping
Pathogens quickly spread throughout our planet through global transportation systems.

In an airplane, the air will be replaced every two or three minutes. If the COVID-19 virus could stay airborne for three hours, it could come into a room 15 times before it dies. And that's very dangerous.
Based on the given information on the volume of air the average person breathes in a minute, let's imagine for a minute you are on a bus or an airplane, 1680 Cubic feet or approximately 47,500 liters of air, now lets put 30 people onboard, that means the air recycled, every 16 minutes.

clean air onboard cruise ships needed

Air is recirculated through HVAC systems in order to save on power. Typical ventilation systems replace air every 10 to 12 minutes. In an airplane, the air will be replaced every two or three minutes. If the COVID-19 virus could stay airborne for three hours, it could come into a room 15 times before it dies. And that's very dangerous.
Even at the best of times outside air is mixed with the recirculating inside air, but that is not enough.
Diligent cleaning guidelines recommended to long haul truckers

The CDC recommends that long haul truckers should protect themselves from the spread of viruses like the COVID-19 using the following guidelines:
"Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces on a routine basis such as:
In the truck cab (driver door handle, steering wheel, seat belt and buckle, arm and head rest, seat cover, turn signal, wiper controls, dashboard, air ducts, radio, and temperature controls)
In the sleeper berth (light switches, mattress tray, temperature controls, and other flat surfaces).
If a third party must have access to the interior of your truck (for example., mechanics, other drivers, inspectors), request that the third party clean and disinfect the truck before turning it back over to you.
For disinfection, use products that meet EPA’s criteria for use against SARS-COVID-19, diluted household bleach solutions, or alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol, and are appropriate for the surface. Follow manufacturer’s directions for use and clean hands afterwards... "
Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/organizations/long-haul-trucking.html
The Safe Disinfectant Company's products are much higher in kill rate than that of alcohol or bleach based solutions.
In fact most alcohol and bleach based solutions only reduce pathogens by 99.99% . Our products reduce pathogens by 99.9999%, that means that only 1 out of every 1,000,000 pathogens may be left after exposure to Safe Disinfectants.
That is a substantial difference from the 1 out of every 100 that alcohol and bleach declare.
ventilation systems

Microbes as small as viruses such as the Covid-19 are very small, in fact systems can't filter out particles smaller than 5000 nanometers.
According to Qingyan Chen, at Purdue University air quality expert, air conditioning systems in small spaces are not designed to filter out particles as small as the coronavirus. The way air moves through the air conditioning system in airplane cabins could transfer to other passengers sitting in the same row as an infected passenger, or even those sitting in a neighboring row.